Ande and Miguel's 2024 Wedding at Palumbo Park and Flfeischer Art Memorial

This May Wedding at the Fleischer Art Memorial and Palumbo Park was all about colors and contrasts! The Murals in Philadelphia are some of my favorite things about the city and I was thrilled to photograph Ande and Miguel’s wedding in front of this one this past spring. The community around this area of Bella Vista South Philadelphia is amazing. There was a very interesting contrast between the inside of this venue with all kinds of dark vivid colors and art work from various points in history and the bright whimsical nature mural by David Guinn on the outside of building facing Palumbo Park. Ande and Miguel held an epic wedding party here. Make sure to check out the dancing at the end! This was an incredibly fun wedding!

5 of the best Tips on how to get the perfect Corporate Head shots from a professional photographer - King of Prussia PA

Hello all! Is your office setting up professional corporate headshots? Here are some secret industry tips on how to get the best photo possible! I’ve photographed 1000s of corporate head shots and have picked up some real world lessons along the way which I’d love to share. By the way click this sentence to check out information on scheduling headshots with our company Star Field Photography. We are available to bring the studio to your office and can take up to 100 headshots in a day.

Tip #1 Ladies - choose a v-neck dress or blouse with blazer. V-necks are the most flattering neckline for women’s photography. Guys- Choose a shirt and tie , shirt or sweater that fit perfectly. Some things are a lot easier to fix in photoshop then others. Making sure the fit of your clothes is perfect is crucial.

Tip #2 Choose clothing that is one single color. Make this color one that compliments your skin’s natural hue. There are 4 types of skin color and they are Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. I was shocked to find out my most flattering colors are from the Autumn color palette and these are colors I never had worn in my life. These colors are fantastic against my skin and are almost like wearing natural makeup because they reflect tones in the skin and really brighten your skin. See the chart below. Wearing clothing that compliments your skin tone is a game changer. There are several articles online to help you figure out your skintone. Click Here to check out an article on this.

What is your most flattering group of colors. Figure out your best hues is huge for your photos.

Tip #3 Have a good hair day the day of your photo session. Put the extra work in for curling your hair or styling it in the most flattering style possible the morning of your photo session.

Tip #4 Lean forward for your photos from your hips. When you take a selfie you typically take it from up above because this is a flattering angle. Leaning forward (towards the photographer) gives the photographer an angle that is similar to that selfie effect.

Tip #5 Take Photos from several angles by turning your head very slightly. You never know which angle you will like the best or will be the most flattering. It is good for the photographer to have several angles to choose from to select the best photo.

Well I hope this helps you with your next Corporate photo session! Make sure to reach out if you have any headshots you need taken in the Philadelphia area!

Advice to get the best Corporate head shot  photo.  best king of prussia headshot photographers

7 tips to get the best photos from your Christmas Trees Mini Session .

7 tips to get the best photos from your  Christmas Trees  Mini Session .

Advice on how to get the best Christmas Tree mini session photos this fall and winter !

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Jessica and Andrew's Wedding at La Peg Brasserie Philadelphia and the Ben Franklin Bridge

This January Wedding warmed my heart! Photographed by Star Field’s Associate Photographers Jeff and assistant photographer Ray. La Peg Brasserie Wedding. Race Street Pier Wedding Photos. Fringe Arts Wedding Photographer. Hilton Penn’s Landing Wedding Photographer.